April 2024

Head's Headline

Despite only having had 9 days of school since we sent you our last edition of Headlines, it is amazing how much has taken place! At the start of April, a small group of KS3 students, led by one of our Year 12 students, Anaka, participated in the Cardiff round of the World Scholars Cup; over the Easter weekend, 29 Year 12 students travelled to the Lake District for a four day training expedition for their Gold DofE Award in preparation for their trip to Norway this summer; and I was delighted to hear about, as well as read in my children’s copy of The Week Junior, an article written by one of our Year 9 students, Prisha, about her love of books and her passion for sharing her inspiration of reading to the wider community. In addition, two of our teachers - Mr Biswell and Dr Sephton - ran the London Marathon last weekend; congratulations to both of them for completing the marathon and raising significant sums of money for their chosen charities. 

As I’m sure you are aware from previous editions of Headlines, as well as our social media channels, our football teams have had an incredibly successful season with our Senior, Year 11 and Year 7 Boys teams being District Champions; the Year 9 Boys’ incredible achievement of reaching the last 8 of the English Schools Cup and our U16 and U18 Girls football teams reaching the County Cup final taking place this week and next - Good Luck! Please can I take this opportunity to remind you that we are still looking for families to host visiting students from Maine, USA. Our history of tours to Maine spans 30 years, and we have enjoyed incredible hospitality during this time. Further information regarding the exchange which is taking place this summer can be found here.

Our return to school following the Easter break, marks the start of both internal and external examinations. Year 10 students began their mock examinations last week, followed by the Year 12s who started their UCAS examinations this week. Students have approached these assessments in a mature and sensible fashion, helping to serve as a useful tool in developing their revision and effective study skills. 

In assembly last week, I thanked all the students for their involvement in the Ofsted inspection at the end of last term. I shared with them how it was no surprise the inspectors commented on the exceptional maturity and commitment of the students to the school values of Success, Character and Dignity for All. And how the inspectors were incredibly impressed by the students' commitment to their learning both inside and outside of the classroom. I encouraged the students to continue that commitment this term and for those who have not yet taken up the opportunities offered to them to use this term to push themselves out of their comfort zone. 

The first quote of my assembly read: “True learning happens when we engage with ideas that challenge our assumptions and force us to think deeply about the world around us” - Learning without Limits. I positioned this as part of the challenge to all students this term to take up these learning opportunities inside and outside of the classroom but also as a provocation for the main content of my assembly - a reflection on the Israel - Gaza conflict 6 months on and the developing situation in the Middle East, Ukraine, Russia and the potential for conflict in other unstable regions of the world.

A danger for all of us and particularly younger generations as we face the spectre of global conflict, political instability, climate change, economic uncertainty and increasing societal and political polarisation is the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation. The challenge to the students from the assembly was the need for them to understand this and to: be informed; be curious; be active; to discuss; to challenge; to listen; and to be kind.

Last Monday - the 22nd April - was Earth Day, a global event which aims to highlight the importance of protecting the environment. The theme for this year was ‘Planet vs. Plastics’ raising awareness of the harms of plastic pollution for human and planetary health. The Geography Department, organised a number of events including an Earth Day themed form time on Monday and activities in KS3 Geography lessons which brought students up to date about single-use plastics, a survey to staff and students about what further action they would like to see in school regarding single use plastics, as well as a competition to encourage staff to car share. I would like to take this opportunity to really encourage the use of clearly named reusable water bottles by students, with the aim of reducing the number of plastic bottles which are thrown away, thus ending up in landfill.

As I write this month’s edition of Headlines and am reminded of all of the recent events that have taken place within our school community, it fills me with pride to see our core values and drivers of Success for All, Character for All and Dignity for All, demonstrated by both students and staff in the actions and decisions that they take.

Please can I remind parents to be more aware, respectful and considerate of where they park when dropping off or picking up their children. Sadly, parents are using the bus lane, blocking driveways and pavements and trying to enter the school car park. All of these actions impact upon the traffic, erodes our relationship with local residents and ultimately can put our students at risk when coming to school, as well as being a continuous frustration.  We do not underestimate the challenges of getting your children to school.  However, your children and the staff at St Clement Danes do our best to build a deserved reputation of respect for the community we serve.  We would ask that you, as members of the wider St Clement Danes community, do what you can to ensure that reputation for respect is not undermined.  Thank you for your support going forward next half term. 

As this will be the last time I write before study leave commences, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all those sitting public examinations well. I have been incredibly impressed by the way students and teachers have worked together giving those concerned the best possible chance to secure exam results which will open up a wide range of opportunities for them in the future. I know how intense this period of the year can be for both students and their families and wish everyone all the very best.

Toby Sutherland
Headteacher, St Clement Danes School

Charity Football Match

On Friday 22nd March, Year 11s led by Jonny May and Cameron Traill organised our third charity football match to raise funds for Alzheimer's Society.  It was a very successful event and a close and entertaining game of football.  The two teams were evenly matched and there were some stand out moments of football:  Charlie Kindell’s second goal of the match was outstanding putting Cameron’s team ahead, Aayush Gajjar’s cracking goal put Jonny’s team back in contention eventually leading to a heartstopping penalty shoot out.  Cameron’s team were the victors! 

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STEM day

12 students in Year 8 took part in the Faraday Challenge on the 15th of March. The day-long STEM event, hosted at SCD, was superbly run by Conscious Communications and involved six teams of six students from four schools (SCD, Croxley Danes, Onslow St Audrey's, Hemel Hempsted). 

Students designed and built working models of novel road safety features and were scored on team work, planning, budgeting, model quality and presentation. All teams came up with creative ideas and had great fun. The team from Croxley Danes scored highest overall.

World Scholars Cup

On the 2nd - 3rd April, 8 students took part in the Cardiff Round of the World Scholars Cup, and did exceptionally well, gaining 12 trophies and 87 medals and qualifying for the Global round of the World Scholars Cup, which will see them potentially going to Stockholm in July. 

The World Scholars Cup is a global academic competition which gives students the ability to participate in academic events and meet scholars from all over the world, broadening their horizons and giving them an incredible experience like no other. 

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The Week Junior

Year 9 student Prisha Yadav has written an article for The Week Junior, 'How books can be your best friends'. Congratulations Prisha, this is an amazing achievement.

How books can be your best friends

"Books are like fellow friends that improve our knowledge and wisdom. They help us wander into the depths of our imagination and we are never alone in the company of a good book. Nowadays, people read books less and depend on the internet to gain knowledge, which is not always reliable. A person reading a good book with a positive mindset is an asset who can challenge their own and others' views on reality and express themselves more confidently. Books are minds with noble thoughts that awaken our soul. So, read like it's your passion, as it can be a gateway to knowledge and inspiration, and are great for the mind, heart and soul."


Bronze DofE

186 Year 9s successfully completed a 2 day practice expedition, (split over 4 days). They walked from school to Phasels Wood campsite and back again. They had training from a fantastic team of Staff and Parent Volunteers, they practised map reading skills, using a compass, putting up a tent and cooking on a trangia stove. They will complete their qualifying expedition in June.

Gold DofE

28 students left school early on Thursday morning to travel to the Lake District to undertake their practice Gold expedition. They met up with the Hepworth Adventures team. They camped overnight prior to starting their expedition on Good Friday. The weather was overcast and damp for the first day but sunshine arrived on day 2 and 3. The students wild camped for two nights in the mountains before a final night near Ambleside. The final day saw several of the groups walk down the west side of Windermere to catch the ferry over to finish at Windermere station.The students were trained in micro-navigation, emergency procedures, water filtration, pacing, timing and navigating steep mountains, as well as wild camp etiquette. The 4 day expedition provided excellent practice prior to their qualifying expeditions in July. 23 students will do this in the Hardanger region of Norway whilst the other 5 will be staying in the UK to do their qualifying expedition.

Parents Association News

We're pleased to report that we've now finished calculating the revenue from the Quiz Night and can reveal that your support raised a huge £2416. Thank you for making a fun evening so lucrative! We'll be meeting next week and will report next month on which areas of the school have successfully bid for the latest funding.

This term is always quieter on the PA front as fundraising gives way to the exam period. We look forward to providing drinks for the Summer Concert and there will be a pre-loved uniform sale in July, date tbc. If the weather eventually gets the memo about it no longer being winter and your student is divesting of their warmer PE kit, jumpers, cardigans -  and in the case of Y11 students, their ties - please donate them to the sale. All donations can be taken by your child to Student Reception.

Thank you again for your support and please do get in touch if you'd like to join our team of parents who are just like you. We're relaxed and hardworking all at the same time and this fundraising enables so many activities and facilities that just wouldnt happen without these extra funds. If you're interested in letting us know how you can help - just the odd hour or two at an event would be great - please email scdpavolunteers@gmail.com